Helloooo! My name’s Meg, I’m just a casual digital artist currently trying to make a comic. Feel free to stick around and chat or just say hi! :D

Age 19



Idaho, USA

Joined on 5/4/19

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MegDraws's News

Posted by MegDraws - October 10th, 2020

Before I jump into this, I just wanted to let y’all know that everything is back to normal over here! The air is fresh and the sky is blue and beautiful again! So we’re doing pretty good :D

Okay, back to the topic at hand!

My older sister Sibspook creates amazing art that I’ve always admired, and I’ve always wanted to be able to draw as good as her. So the other day I asked her how she did anatomy, and if she could teach me... to which she gladly indulged me!

I learned a lot from her, and I decided to put my newfound knowledge to use, and tested it on my characters Nix, Eva, and Callie, a third character I haven’t introduced yet.

(I forgot to add, I’ve changed up their

designs again, so they’ll look a little different than the last time I drew them. it also shows my little reactions next to them...I loved them too much xD)

Here’s the results!


I’m really happy with how he came out, the anatomy is sooo much better than normal! Though Nix’s face shape turned out a bit different than what I originally imagined for him, which somehow made him look a little handsome... I mean, I’m not complaining, I’m just happy it turned out good! Might make him a little less attractive, though... xD


Eva is still adorable, I don’t really have much I can say about her. Her design is a little plain, but she is an Angel-in-training, so I wouldn’t expect her to have too many inhuman features yet. I’m still working on that though... Any suggestions for her design would be very appreciated! I can’t come up with much else ;-;


And here we have Callie, who is Nix’s imp friend! Right now her design is of a standard imp, which will also probably go through some changes. She’s a lot smaller than how I drew her (like one or two feet tall, or for those of you outside of the U.S, 30 to 60 cm. Darn you, metric system!) I drew her eyes a little big in this, but maybe it will translate better when I draw her tiny, who knows?

...and there you have it! My three characters with a bit of a design and style change! I’m really happy with them, but of course there’s always room for improvement... which is why I’m asking for critique!

I’d love to know what you all think of them, what I could do to make them better, and even design elements I could add to make them a bit more interesting. (That last one is more for Eva and Callie, I’m pretty satisfied with Nix’s design. But that doesn’t mean I’ll refuse any suggestions for him!)

Thank you all for reading, I’m excited to see what you people have to say! :D


Posted by MegDraws - September 17th, 2020

hhhooookay so I'm just gonna try to make this real quick.

The forest fires near our house have been calmed, and we're no longer in the evacuation zone!

So, yayyyyy I'm not gonna die!

I feel so relieved, I mean, I'm not going to lose my home. During the time when we thought we would need to evacuate, I started feeling so detached from everything I would be leaving behind, like it was someone else's house, and it would never be ours again. But thankfully, I get to stay here, as one of the lucky ones.

Some people here evacuated just because of the air quality, as it was some of the worst air quality in the world at this point and time. (I'm not kidding, on a scale to 100, 100 is really bad air quality, and we were at 400... I don't know how either)

I honestly kind of wish I was with them, though. Even though I would be leaving my home for a while. The air here is just plain awful... At least now I have another excuse to stay inside, if Covid wasn't enough. :P

Anyway, thank you all for reading this, and for the encouraging words on my last post. I'm glad it all turned out okay.


Posted by MegDraws - September 11th, 2020

So, this news post is a bit...depressing, so sorry about that. I don’t mean to seem like I’m complaining or begging for attention. I just, want to talk to someone about what’s going on. I don’t really have anyone I can talk to here who isn’t already stressed out of their minds.

But if you don’t want to hear me talk about all the crazy and scary stuff going on right now in my area, feel free to go on with your day. It’s not like I’m going to reach through the screen and be like “Hey, you’re stressed out about all the crap going on in the world right now and don’t want to hear me dump more depressing crap on you? Well you’re a terrible person!”

...yeah no, do whatever the heck you want, I don’t care. We’re all under some level of a crisis right now. Take care of yourselves.

If you’re still here, first off, thank you, second off...I’m just gonna get into it.

So, there’s a lot of forest fires in the area I live in. Heck, the entire west coast is ablaze right now. The people who have lived here for over 60 years had never seen something like this happen. The towns I’ve lived in my whole life are being evacuated, and might have burned to the ground. The smoke in the air is so thick we can’t see the hills around our home, and it’s too dangerous to go outside for long. Just three days ago, I was able to see flames standing in my front yard.

So...it’s been a stressful few days. Right now the entire area is under a level of evacuation. The majority of it is under level 3 evacuation, which means get the heck out now. I’d been under level 1 evacuation for a couple days, which means be aware that people are evacuating and start preparing. But yesterday afternoon we just got upgraded to level 2, get ready to leave at a moments notice. So if we weren’t scared before, well we sure as heck are scared now.

So people who have been here for a bit might remember that I have three cats, a dog, and a bird. Well, I also live with my older sister and both parents, so we have to figure out how to pack away five animals, four people, and all of our important belongings into a tiny motor home. (So we have a place to stay when we evacuate)

Thats not stressful at all...

You’d think by now that maybe things would start to look up, maybe the firemen would have been able to make the fire die down a bit, and we wouldn’t have to evacuate. La-de-da happily ever after right?

Ha-ha~! Of course not! Did you think 2020 was the year of mercy?

Instead, two major wildfires (thousands of acres wide) have merged, and they’re heading straight for my area. The fire has been deemed too dangerous to fight, so even the firefighters can do nothing. And apparently, some people have been setting fires, so that they can get people out of their homes and loot their stuff! Ah, I just fricking love the people of Oregon. Such a nice, loving community.

...Sorry I got a bit fired up there. It’s just frustrating.

Theres just so many terrible things happening right now, I’m stressed out, angry, scared...I can’t even describe what I felt when I had to go through all my stuff and choose what I would keep and what I would leave to burn.

I’m scared that if I leave, I won’t have a home to come back to, as does everyone around here. I honestly never thought anything like this could happen. But, here I am.

I don’t really know how to end this, my thoughts are all jumbled and I can hear sirens in the distance. If anyone read through this whole thing, I really appreciate it. This whole thing was probably super jumbled and confusing, but I tried my best with my current state of mind. I don’t normally write things like this, but I kinda just needed somewhere to vent. So, sorry for dumping all this on you guys. I hope y’all are doing much better than I am.

I’ll hopefully update later with how things turn out, if we evacuated or not, if my house is still standing, and whatnot.

Please stay safe and stay healthy! (Don’t die pls)


Posted by MegDraws - July 19th, 2020

Some of you might have already seen this but I changed the banner and pfp of my page!

I've been working on my style recently, so of course my old art has been starting to look worse and worse in my eyes. (...and I also got a haircut sooooo I thought it was time for a change)

Also I never really knew what to put for a banner (and I still don't lol) since I'm not really doing this "professionally," I'm mostly just here for fun, and to get feedback so I can improve. So I don't have any kind of logo or anything like I've seen other pages have.

But I worked really hard on these late into the night, and what can I say? I'm proud of em! So I wanted to show them off a little in here... (so you can see the full image regardless of the device your on ;) )

So without further adieu~ (ooo fancy word)


Im mostly proud of the banner... AH! It turned out so good!!

Anyway thank y'all for reading...yeah this was mostly so I could show off XD

Ya gotta give me a break every once and a while! >:3

Yall have a great day!


Posted by MegDraws - July 8th, 2020

Welp, I've officially existed for 15 years.


I'm now 3/4 of the way to 20, halfway to 30, and can take a drivers permit test legally...which feels really strange to write.

My friends up here in Oregon are all older (and way taller) than me and some of them already have cars somehow, so I feel a bit late to the starting line. But either way, I'm here now.

...and as always, I have no idea what the heck I'm doing :)

Here's to another year! ...or whatever the heck people say!

Idk I just want cake... :D


Posted by MegDraws - July 3rd, 2020

Hey, so its been a couple of...months o_0

I don't really know why I left for so long, I started online school around the time that I left and that took up a lot of my time...and I might have also kinda forgotten that newgrounds existed... :P

So...sorry! >_<

I took a break from drawing for a while because of school and stuff so I'm working towards getting myself back into putting the pen on the sacred p a p e r. So expect some art relatively soon!

Also really quick a couple things happened/are going to happen soon:

I got a bird :0


Its kinda difficult to tell the gender of a budgie when they're this young, but right now all signs indicate that my little bird is a female, so until proved otherwise, her name is Mika! :3

(Just letting yall know in case she suddenly gets a name change, lol)

Also I may be gaining an age in a few days... I might be excited about it...just maybe...

Anyway, I'll see yall...soon! (Hopefully!)


Posted by MegDraws - April 28th, 2020

I've said this earlier, but in case some people did't see it (which there is bound to be) I've recently been watching a streamer stream Ocarina of Time, where at the end we show fanart for the stream... and how could I resist?

I ended up drawing a good amount of art in a small amount of time, some good, some bad, some that absolutely nobody would understand unless they watched the stream. I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to post them if nobody knew the context, but I was actually pretty proud of some of them, so why not put them here!

I'm not putting all the ones I made, as some of them only came out as sketches, and some of them I don't really like (only made for the laughs in the context of the stream), but here's what I got, and I hope you all enjoy!


(he tried to beat the fire temple with the broken goron knife)




After he beat OoT he played some ACNH So I also made this (which is my favorite out of all of them)


Anyway, I hope y'all at least somewhat enjoyed this! Hopefully I'll post more real art soon!

See ya!


Posted by MegDraws - April 13th, 2020

So my school got canceled for the rest of the year. I know a lot of other people had this happen too, but I am really not looking forward to being stuck at home for five whole months.

Yeah...I'm that one weird kid who actually likes school, even if the school system is a bit janked up. Mostly it just gives me something to do with my life that feels productive, because without it I just play Animal Crossing for hours on end.

Because I have nothing to make me feel like I should be productive...I haven't drawn anything in a long time. But I am going to finally get some of that productivity juice, sacrifice Tom Nook, and start drawing/writing a possible comic!

(...I know I've said that multiple times but I really do want to make a comic out of something... just gotta find the right story :P)

Anyway, expect some kind of drawing or possibly a comic experiment soon! :D

Also happy late Easter!


Posted by MegDraws - March 12th, 2020


This is officialy the most expensive thing I've ever bought...and I am officially broke...but it was SO worth it!!!

Its so great to work with, I'm really glad I decided to buy it.

There is one really weird problem though. When you get it your supposed to download the driver for the tablet, which in the case of my tablet, it would automatically register your tablet as a device you bought in your Wacom account thingy, which would let you encode the pen and tablet hot keys.

But for some reason, even though I downloaded the driver, it didn't register :(

(And yes, it IS supposed to do it automatically, I've looked it up many times)

I can't figure out how to fix it on my own, (I've tried for a few hours) and I dont know what else I can do.

It works just fine without it, preassure sensitivity and everything, but not being able to use the color picker hot key (the one I use the most) has started to get on my nerves.

If anyone has expierence using Wacom tablets and has any suggestions please let me know! I feel like the more I try to fix it myself the more likely I'm going to break something...and I'm not going to buy another one of these! xD

I'm happy that I can draw in digital again, but...I want to be able to use my color picker :(

I know it sounds petty, but it annoyed me a bit that I had to go all the way across the screen to click the color picker instead of just clicking the little button on my pen.

Someone save me from this madness lol


Posted by MegDraws - March 2nd, 2020

The thing had been broken for months but of course I used all possible connection cords, scraps of ductape, and questionable secret glitter vials I had at my disposal to try to keep it running.

But alas, I couldn't help it avade death for long, and my drawing tablet finally gave up the ghost. Rest in pieces my friend. I will make sure to give you a proper funeral.

But this also means I can't draw digitally anymore, or at least not for a while. These things are expensive, so I have no idea how long it'll be until I can get another one.

(Also I know I can draw with a mouse but this is what happens when I try)


I even tried to color it xD

I guess I'll just have to try posting some more traditional art in the mean time. But I'll be looking around for a new tablet all the while.

(B-But it'll never be the same...)

So its going to be a little different for a while, once again I dont know how long, but we'll find out! Im going to be trying my best to make my art close to the same quality, but theres only so much I can do.

Thank you all for reading and continuing to be here. It means a lot <3