Before I jump into this, I just wanted to let y’all know that everything is back to normal over here! The air is fresh and the sky is blue and beautiful again! So we’re doing pretty good :D
Okay, back to the topic at hand!
My older sister Sibspook creates amazing art that I’ve always admired, and I’ve always wanted to be able to draw as good as her. So the other day I asked her how she did anatomy, and if she could teach me... to which she gladly indulged me!
I learned a lot from her, and I decided to put my newfound knowledge to use, and tested it on my characters Nix, Eva, and Callie, a third character I haven’t introduced yet.
(I forgot to add, I’ve changed up their
designs again, so they’ll look a little different than the last time I drew them. it also shows my little reactions next to them...I loved them too much xD)
Here’s the results!
I’m really happy with how he came out, the anatomy is sooo much better than normal! Though Nix’s face shape turned out a bit different than what I originally imagined for him, which somehow made him look a little handsome... I mean, I’m not complaining, I’m just happy it turned out good! Might make him a little less attractive, though... xD
Eva is still adorable, I don’t really have much I can say about her. Her design is a little plain, but she is an Angel-in-training, so I wouldn’t expect her to have too many inhuman features yet. I’m still working on that though... Any suggestions for her design would be very appreciated! I can’t come up with much else ;-;
And here we have Callie, who is Nix’s imp friend! Right now her design is of a standard imp, which will also probably go through some changes. She’s a lot smaller than how I drew her (like one or two feet tall, or for those of you outside of the U.S, 30 to 60 cm. Darn you, metric system!) I drew her eyes a little big in this, but maybe it will translate better when I draw her tiny, who knows?
...and there you have it! My three characters with a bit of a design and style change! I’m really happy with them, but of course there’s always room for improvement... which is why I’m asking for critique!
I’d love to know what you all think of them, what I could do to make them better, and even design elements I could add to make them a bit more interesting. (That last one is more for Eva and Callie, I’m pretty satisfied with Nix’s design. But that doesn’t mean I’ll refuse any suggestions for him!)
Thank you all for reading, I’m excited to see what you people have to say! :D
Hey, I just woke up! :)
lol, I wish I just woke up. I’m in a different time zone 3 hours ahead right now :P