Lol. History repeat's itself every 100 years.
1720 = Yersinia Pestis
1820 = Cholera
1920 = Spanish Flu
2020 = Covid-19
Helloooo! My name’s Meg, I’m just a casual digital artist currently trying to make a comic. Feel free to stick around and chat or just say hi! :D
Age 19
Idaho, USA
Joined on 5/4/19
Lol. History repeat's itself every 100 years.
1720 = Yersinia Pestis
1820 = Cholera
1920 = Spanish Flu
2020 = Covid-19
Huh, thats interesting...I wonder if its some kind of mutation or conspiracy. Its weird that it happens in such a precise timeline, eh?
Or maybe its just my hyperactive imagination trying to turn world history into my own personal sci-fi drama. Who knows?
@XyroDonatus @MegPeg
MegPeg/ has stopped working.
@PBSfanboy @MegPeg Lol. Maybe it's a conspiracy. This is the link to an image on google.
It shows that. And the scientific name of "Spanish Flu" is "H1N1 virus of January 1918 - 23:59 December 31, 1920
To continue for @kruno5gaming,
Citizen - 0
Safety Patrol - 100 (+100) 2%
Security Guard - 200 (+100) 4 %
Police Officer - 300 (+100) 6 %
Police Sergeant - 400 (+100) 8%
Police Lieutenant - 500 (+100) 10%
Police Captain - 1000 (+500) 12%
Elite Guard Private - 1500 (+500) 14%
Elite Guard Private First Class - 2000 (+500) 16%
Elite Guard Corporal - 2500 (+500) 18%
Elite Guard Sergeant - 3000 (+500) 20%
Elite Guard Staff Sergeant - 4000 (+1000) 22%
Elite Guard Sergeant First Class - 5000 (+1000) 24%
Elite Guard Master Sergeant - 6000 (+1000) 26%
Elite Guard Sergeant Major - 7000 (+1000) 28%
Elite Guard Praporshchik - 8000 (+1000) 30%
Elite Guard Second Lieutenant - 9500 (+1500) 32%
Elite Guard First Lieutenant - 11000 (+1500) 34%
Elite Guard Captain - 12500 (+1500) 36%
Elite Guard Major - 14000 (+1500) 38%
Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel - 15500 (+1500) 40%
Elite Guard Colonel - 17500 (+2000) 42%
Elite Guard Brigadier General - 19500 (+2000) 44%
Elite Guard Major General - 21500 (+2000) 46 %
Elite Guard Lieutenant General - 23500 (+2000) 48%
Elite Guard General - 25500 (+2000) 55%
Elite Guard Supreme Comander (Final rank) - 30000 (+4500) 60%
I just found a 2.09 star rated game. Very low. Rated E.
It ironically had 72 votes. Including me.
I'm sorry if I wasted commenting space Meg. :)
Oh dw its fine lol :)
Definition of the name "Mika": (I got this search from google.)
Hungarian, Japanese, Russian:
Beautiful fragrance
Native American:
The name Mika means Beautiful Smell and is of Native American origin.
The name Mika means gift from God.
Well she doesn't exactly have a "beautiful smell" XD
I can agree with gift from God however. She is a blessing to have :3